Taking Care of Oily, Dry, And Combination Skin

Every skin type has different requirements. To properly care for your skin, it is important to find out what skin type you have beforehand. Once you know if you have sensitive, dry skin, combination skin, or more oily skin, you can develop a customized care routine that best suits your skin’s specific needs.

Appropriate care for Dry Skin

With dry skin, the complexion can appear dull, lackluster and rough. Reddish spots often appear on the skin, and it tends to develop dryness lines.

If you have dry skin, you should cleanse your skin no more than twice a day with a gentle cleansing product such as a cleansing lotion. Avoid bathing or showering for too long or too often, and avoid too hot water – this can further dry out the skin.

Applying a moisturizer immediately after cleansing helps to soothe skin, replenish moisture levels and reduce dryness lines. You should apply the moisturizer while your skin is still slightly damp, as this will better seal the moisture. To compensate for the extreme lack of moisture in very dry skin, you can apply the moisturizer several times a day as needed.

The ideal moisturizer for dry skin contains a combination of moisturizing, barrier-enhancing and soothing ingredients to support skin and help it retain more moisture.

Appropriate care for Oily Skin

Oily skin often shows enlarged pores and a shiny complexion. This is caused by an excess of sebum on the skin’s surface.

If you have oily or blemish-prone skin, you shouldn’t wash your face too often, even if you think it will help remove excess oil and dirt. Washing too often can further increase sebum production. Therefore, we recommend cleaning the skin twice a day at most.

A light moisturizer, especially for oily skin, should not be too rich but still provide moisture. It will also protect against the sun’s UV rays and mattifies the complexion. Of course, if you have oily skin, you should use non-comedogenic products carefully.

Appropriate care for Combination Skin

Combined skin is dry in some areas, e.g., dry on the cheeks, and in other places, greasy or oily on the forehead, nose or chin (the well-known T-zone). It is, therefore, not easy to find a suitable facial care product for combination skin.

It is best to use a gentle cleansing lotion, which can be used with or without water, and an oil-free moisturizer with moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or glycerin. Different parts of the face may need different care, e.g., Dry areas need moisture more frequently, while oily areas require a light moisturizer. Observe how your skin reacts and use the best routine for you.

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