Beauty tricks and natural allies to hide spots on mature skin
The spots on the skin are alterations in the uniformity of the colour of a certain area. Concealers are a miracle product that erases dark areas or blemishes without being noticed.
Applied properly, with some natural remedies you can achieve the same results as with the application of expensive creams.
Dark spots on the face are a headache for many people but don’t panic, we have a solution to hide them. Skin blemishes are changes in the colour of the skin: this colouration can be caused by ageing, exposure to the sun, hormonal disorders, acne scars, the body’s reaction to diseases, etc. There are many reasons why spots begin to appear on the face. The most common is that there are areas of the skin that have more melanin than others and that this generates an uneven skin tone.
It is very important that before the appearance of spots on our skin we go to the dermatologist and get it correctly examined the causes and why of our spots and indicate the most appropriate treatment. We must be disciplined with the treatment, remember that every time you expose yourself to the sun, use sunscreen and daily apply your usual moisturizer. There are thousands of ways to get rid of your spots: with creams, and makeup. To hide your facial spots follow these tips.
Fix the stain
Use a makeup corrector according to the tone of our spots, if they are dark, the ideal is a tone or two lighter than the skin, but never lighter than that because then the spot will be noticeable. It also helps us correct imperfections such as dark circles, scars or spots caused by excess sun, acne and redness. We must use it, especially in localised areas so that better concealment of the spots can be achieved.
Match the tone of our facial skin
If we want to hide skin spots 100%, it is very important to choose a makeup base in a beige tone. We impregnate the makeup base showing special care in the areas where we have applied the concealer. With the help of a brush, we blur. To achieve a more natural finish, we must apply the makeup base very well, otherwise, the skin spots will be more noticeable.
Sealing the makeup base is essential for the result to be long-lasting and optimal. It is also important to choose the ideal powder:
- Powder for dry skin: eliminates shine and mattifies the skin thanks to its pure pigments. Mineral makeups allow even the most delicate skin to work.
- Oily skin powder: we must choose translucent or mineral powders since they will help us to absorb fat and maintain perfect skin.