Jade rollers: Benefits and Do They Work?

New Skin Care Products 

The use of cosmetics to care for your skin has evolved throughout the years. Skincare products such as face massagers and exfoliating products have garnered popularity in recent years. 

What is a Jade Roller? 

A jade roller is a hand-sized tool with stones on either side that looks like a small paint roller and is used to massage the skin. The stone used, Jade, isn’t just aesthetically pleasing. It has cooling effects that improve circulation and lymphatic drainage. Much of its benefits come from the fact that it is cold to the touch. The many scientific benefits which may sound far-fetched are proven by analysts showing the before and after results. 

When were they invented? 

This may come as a surprise, but Jade rollers date back to the seventeenth century. Dating back to the Qing dynasty, Chinese elites used crystals for their skin. These stones and crystals have been used in skincare for thousands of years. In recent years due to celebrity endorsements, the jade rollers have created a buzz in the industry. 

Benefits of Jade Rollers

  1. Jade is relatively cool to the touch and can stay cool even when it comes in contact with the skin. This cooling helps with brightening your complexion.
  2. The cold restricts blood flow to a particular area, and pressure pushes fluid, known as lymph, to the lymph nodes, which process it and filter out toxins. 
  3. Another benefit of jade rollers or facial massage is improving circulation and lymphatic drainage, so you look more glowing and less puffy.
  4. Gentle face massages using jade rollers help calm the mind and improve headaches, TMJ pain, sinus congestion, eye strain, and puffiness of the lower eyelids. 
  5. Healthy blood circulation carries oxygen to skin cells, so it will also help penetrate products deeper into the skin tissue. In that way, it reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

To get your very own Jade Roller: FACIAL MASSAGE JADE ROLLER

Do they work?

Many of the people have used Jade roller to see if they do work. Every skin type has a different mechanism and shows different results. Many of the before and after effects show that Jade rollers refresh the skin and reduce puffiness. 

Industry Trends

With the increasing popularity of facial rollers, market players have launched rollers of different sizes and stones. Various sizes and shapes are used to market similar products. 

Similar Products 

Jade roller isn’t the only facial roller that has been popular recently. Many smooth skin facial massagers have become the industry trend. 

  • Gua Sha Tool

Gua Sha is a smooth-edged stone used to stroke on the skin while gently pressing it. In comparison to Jade Roller, it is not that simple to use. 

  • FaSha Tool

The Fasha tool is a specially designed crystal used to give your face lifting and toning. Like the Gua Sha tool, it also has small smooth edges and requires a specific technique. 

The best choice

In comparison to other facial massagers, Jade rollers steal the show. With it being an aesthetically appealing tool, which is much simpler to use. This product won’t only make your skin healthier. It will also help you relax and de-stress. 

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