Skin Changes during Pregnancy
It's no secret that pregnant women experience many internal changes in their bodies, but what about the visible changes? One of the most common concerns for pregnant women is skin care.
What is the best treatment for acne scars?
However, the non-ablative fractional laser is the one that allows treating all types, whether protruding or depressed, extensive or not, in a comfortable, safe, and effective way.
Laser treatment of acne scars
The most frequent aesthetic sequel of acne is the formation of scars.
Ten cosmetic acids and their benefits for the skin
Hyaluronic, retinoic or citric acid are just three of the cosmetic acids that in recent years have gained special prominence in the world of beauty, to the point of becoming an essential substance in many treatments.
Causes and possible solutions for your skin irritation
Our skin can go from looking perfect to irritated without us knowing why. We explain the causes and solutions to this problem.
How often should you exfoliate your face?
Exfoliation of the face is essential to remove dead skin.
The secret to healthy skin is in our gut
The dermatologist knows very well, and for a long time, the importance of the different microbes that coexist in our body being in balance.
Beauty tricks and natural allies to hide spots on mature skin
The spots on the skin are alterations in the uniformity of the colour of a certain area. Concealers are a miracle product that erases dark areas or blemishes without being noticed.
How To Hide Skin Blemishes
If this is your case, you will need to know how to treat skin spots, reduce them as much as possible and prevent them from spreading over your body and face.
The Different Types of Normal Skin
Now that you know more about the different types of normal skin, you can better understand your own unique skincare needs.