
These goods will assist you in maintaining your atopic skin

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition in which the protective barrier function is altered. As a result, the skin becomes more permeable and more susceptible to irritation.

Additionally, in atopy, the immune system overreacts to things that aren’t aggressive but that it perceives as such. Inflammation, severe itching, dry skin, eczema, and an increased risk of superinfection in eczematous lesions are the results of the combination of the skin’s permeability and the immune system’s increased reaction.

What skincare items are ideal for treating atopic skin?

If you have atopic dermatitis, your dermatologist must first recommend a unique treatment plan. This plan must always include coadjuvant products for extensive repair.

Hygiene supplies

To keep atopic skin comfortable, proper cleanliness is necessary. Additional discomfort can be brought on by dirt, sweat, and leftover cosmetics that have been applied to the skin.

The best hygiene products will be soaps or gels that allow for gentle cleansing, syndet (without harsh detergents), clean without drying out, provide a feeling of hydration, and do not remove natural grease.

A particular product should also be used for hair hygiene because atopic dermatitis also affects the scalp’s skin. A particular shampoo is suggested for the

These products don’t lather well because they don’t include soap, but don’t worry—that doesn’t mean they don’t clean.


You must use particular products with ingredients that assist restore the skin barrier that is damaged to hydrate and care for atopic skin. This will enable the skin to carry out its intended role.

Emollient products must be used twice daily on the skin to maintain its health. Because they serve to restore the skin in addition to preventing dryness and itching, you must apply them consistently. The product chosen must strengthen the skin’s built-in defences.

Emollients work to maintain water in the skin and increase hydration when applied after hygiene while the skin is just a little damp.

The treatment and recommendations made by the expert shall be followed during the outbreak. He will probably mention the use of specific emollient preparations, or, in addition to medication to aid in recovery.

SPF protection and environmental

You should not neglect to protect your atopic skin from external elements like the sun, pollution, chlorine, etc. when performing daily maintenance on it.

Use products that serve as a barrier of defence against all of these causes while also assisting in the hydration, nutrition, and restoration of the skin’s damaged barrier. For atopic skin, these products are referred to as multi-protectors.

Other maintenance required for atopic skin

To effectively control eruptions and improve quality of life, dermo-cosmetic treatment for atopic skin must be combined with other types of care.

Regulating the environment’s temperature and humidity

The rooms must be kept at a steady temperature and humidity level to prevent dry and overly hot conditions. Don’t overuse the heater, keep the house well-ventilated, and don’t overdress.

Do not scrape.

You should refrain from touching and scratching your skin, even though we understand that it might be difficult to resist. Scratching creates a vicious cycle because it makes you angrier and that makes you itchier.

Observe hygienic rules.

Atopic skin care is crucial to removing sweat and grime, both of which irritate the skin. However, as was previously said, you must:

  • A quick shower is preferable to a bath. It shouldn’t go on for longer than ten minutes.
  • Do not use hot water (over 33oC).
  • Avoid using soaps and gels that have harsh detergents or that change the skin’s natural properties.
  • After taking a bath, it’s crucial to gently pat dry the skin and use emollient creams.


While not all atopic skin types react to various fabrics in the same manner, it is generally advised to avoid contact with wool, plastics, synthetic fabrics, etc. Choose fabrics made of cotton or thread instead.

Now that you know what products and care you should give your atopic skin, follow our advice and take care of it as you deserve!

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