The Ultimate Guideline to the Question What Order Do I Apply My Skin Care Products?

Having the best cosmetic products is just one-half of the journey to maintaining soft and blemish-free skin. The other half has to involve knowledge on how to apply the beauty products. If you wear a dense product as the first layer it will inevitably prevent less dense products from penetrating the skin. If this happens then it is considered a waste for the less dense product because you will not get the full benefit of the product. It is because of this reason that you should learn the order in which to apply your cosmetic products. The order of application will change from daytime routine to nighttime routine because other products do not want the presence of ultraviolet light during the day. The important thing is to learn the main concept and then charter your customized routine. 

Day time routine

We can start with the daytime routine because most people consider it the most important part of the day. The primary rule when it comes to daytime routine is applying thin products first as you progress outwards to the thickest products. Alternatively, it can be said that you start with liquids then progress outwards to creams.  

  1. Cleansers

After a restful night, you can start your day by washing your face with warm water. For people with normal skin, this can be enough but for other types of skin, you may require a gentle cleanser. 

  • Toners

This is optional and you can use it if you want to either tighten the skin, even out the skin tone, or remove blemishes from your skin. It is recommended for people with oily skin and combination skin.

  • Antioxidant Serum

Antioxidant Serum is made with a lot of nutrients and minerals so it is recommended you apply it as close as possible to the skin. This is because it gives the skin a chance to absorb nutrients such as retinol (vitamin A), hyaluronic acid, vitamin c, and vitamin E which are predominant ingredients in an antioxidant serum

  • Eye cream

It is recommended that you apply eye cream at least once a day to maintain the eyes’ health and the thickness of the eyelids. This is important because it helps your skin get rid of wrinkles and also prevents the loss of collagen.

  • Moisturizer and sunscreen

You can first apply spot treatments if your skin has blemishes then you go ahead and finish up with moisturizer and sunscreen in that order. 

Night routine

You do not need many skincare products during the night because this is the time your skin gets to repair itself so using treatment products is important. 

  1. Cleanser, toner, essence, and boosters

First make sure you do a double cleanse of your skin before applying the toner, essence, or boosters to the skin.

  • Eye cream, treatment, serums, and peels

You are supposed to apply eye cream twice a day for the best results. This is also the perfect stage to apply treatments, serums, and peels. 

  • Moisturizer and night cream

Night creams are generally thicker and are supposed to be absorbed into the skin over a lengthy period. You can either use a moisturizer or a night cream to keep the skin hydrated throughout the night. 

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